XenApp & XenDesktop 7.x – Error “Incompatible Settings on SDK” on Delivery Groups

My colleague came across this error message while working with a customer where he had to prevent Citrix Desktops from being shown to users if they are in a particular AD group. He didn’t recall what he did wrong but he ended up with Desktops doubling up for a standard user who isn’t a member of exclusion group.

Inspecting the delivery group, he noticed Desktops per user settings  under User Settings has a different value “Incompatible Settings on SDK


Querying the Delivery group


Going through the results, there is an additional desktop without any filtering applied. The fix is to remove the additional desktop. In his case, it was named was “Desktop_2”

Remove-BrokerEntitlementPolicyRule -Name "Desktop_2"

Running the get command shows the below results.. the second desktop is gone!!!


Hopefully this helps someone.

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