Running a QFARM command in XenApp 7.x

As most of you are aware by now, Qfarm command doesn’t run anymore in XenApp 7.x as it is a part of old IMA architecture.

With FMA, there are several ways to check the Server load, the easiest being using Citrix Studio and checking Load Index.

However, there is another method to check the load from using a PowerShell window and it is as below.

asnp citrix*
Get-BrokerMachine –Filter ‘SessionSupport –eq “MultiSession”’ –Property @(‘DNSName’,’LoadIndex’)


if you need more details, you could add more parameters in your command line as below

Get-BrokerMachine –Filter ‘SessionSupport –eq “MultiSession”’ –Property @(‘DNSName’,'WindowsConnectionSetting','SessionCount',’LoadIndex’)

The result from running the above command is as follows


Hope it’s useful for someone out there!!!



3 responses to “Running a QFARM command in XenApp 7.x”

  1. fantastic – great help

  2. Yes, it did helped me

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